Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What would Blogers do without Bush?

Almost every blog you come across it covers Bush in some way or another.
How people see him, some think he is the best thing since sliced bread.
And some can’t stand the man I for one am grateful for his presence on this earth.

Because he is the best stand up comic in the world on the other hand he’s a dumb ass or then he’s a murdering sun of a bitch.
I often wonder dose he purposely act the fool or was he just born that way.

Sometime I look at him and he reminds me of the afterbirth, hmmm may be that’s what happened they dumped the baby and kept the afterbirth. Is that a bit strong I wonder?

What ever he is he gives the media lots to write about, all the same you have to pity him, he’s only doing what his Dad tells him.

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