Wednesday, April 12, 2006

How easy things can blow out of proportion

This is an article that was posted on a form.
If you got the stomach for a load of shit take a look this, but be warned.
The spelling is all over the shop of where some of them come from.
I also left out a lot of the post because it made no scene.
I also deleted people’s names some I replaced with Edit
It had 75 replys and 13 pages befor it was locked.

Q I'd like to ask you, Mr. President, your decision to invade Iraq has caused the deaths of thousands of Americans and Iraqis, wounds of Americans and Iraqis for a lifetime. Every reason given, publicly at least, has turned out not to be true. My question is why did you really want to go to war? From the moment you stepped into the White House, from your Cabinet -- your Cabinet officers, intelligence people, and so forth -- what was your real reason? You have said it wasn't oil -- quest for oil, it hasn't been Israel, or anything else. What was it?

THE PRESIDENT: I think your premise -- in all due respect to your question and to you as a lifelong journalist -- is that -- I didn't want war. To assume I wanted war is just flat wrong, Helen, in all due respect --

Q Everything --

THE PRESIDENT: Hold on for a second, please.

Q -- Everything I've heard --

THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me, excuse me. No President wants war. Everything you may have heard is that, but it's just simply not true. My attitude about the defense of this country changed on September the 11th. We -- when we got attacked, I vowed then and there to use every asset at my disposal to protect the American people.
I love this part of one of his answers
Helen, excuse me. That's where -- Afghanistan provided safe haven for al Qaeda. That's where they trained.
support my commander & chief no matter what, Iraq has to be invaded for whatever reason he has, but mostly to get the tyrant out of power, no one can argue with that, he has to be taken out.


So the Afghan and Iraqi people do not deserve to be free?
We should place them at a level lower than ourselves and not try to help them?


If Ur asking me? of course they have right to be free, but Saddam had to be taken out of not very find of the middle east, because if someone insults their religion in a tiny way that come out with ak's and kill people that had nothing to do with it in protest, then they burn the American flag for no apparent good reason........but yes they have the right to be free & independed after they get a stable gov't.


He is the greatest dictator in the world, he is also the worlds ranking number1 terrorist. He had no reason to send in troops to Iraq his old man had done that already and scansions were imposed on them. So when they were at an all time low he goes in and murders women and children 370000 Iraqis were innocent people killed in 3years.some were shot in their beds and that has only come to light. Your commander & chief as you like to call him are going to be impeached and tried for war crimes what you think of that. He single handily turned the world against America.
His next stop of call is Iran then Korea


Don’t wanne involve too much, but the part calling Bush the worlds greatest dictator and also the worlds number one terrorist I simply can not let pass without a comment...

When people are talking that way about BUSH I simply have to tell them...

There is a hope for the world when someone finally has understood the obvious thing

Its only one thing to do and that’s to make the little pet Bush got over in UK to understand that the master isn’t always right and thereby not the best to follow

As I guess you wanna defend your priminister, but he should get a real kick in the ass so that he wakes up and see the opinion of the rest of the world...

Bush can’t be saved as he has always been a totally stupid puppet dangling in his father’s threads... Im pretty sure that he only invaded Iraq to try to pull together what his father didn’t fulfill


I have to agree with this, as far as I can see the only way he could make it to president is that he had the right (powerful) people behind him.
He does not look to smart and his politic is also not very smart.
But with some big industrials behind him, which of course take profit from this politics’ he has managed to keep the show going on.

But well, lol, as we are only allowed to give our democratic (from democratic and not from republicans and democrats) vote's once in 4 years, we have not much influence in their behavior.


I would have to agree with edit Bush is one of the most hypocritical president and corrupt. He has no intention of helping the people just his really good buddies with big companies and makes them richer.

Afghanistan was a clear cut no brainier but Iraq was properly one of the dumbest.
I just can’t wait till his smelly ass is out of the office.

First of all, they were rhetorical questions, not directed towards you, since you are a responsible American citizen and will show support for the President of the United States whether you agree with him or not.

I love to see the comments of those who are not American citizens, who have never stepped foot on American soil. They themselves receive their information from a biased media and develop a view of the US and its leaders outside of the box. I hate to say that your points and views have little, if any, foundation, and are COMPLETELY BIASED [as are mine].

This forum thread is really pointless in itself. All those who wish to lash out at a great man and President will do so, and they will try to back their ideas with speculation. Those of us who support our fine President come to his defense, hoping to change your minds. The fact is, we are all so stubborn that we are not going to change our views and stances just because of a simple forum bashing! It would be best that we not waste our time continuing to post in here, and find something more productive to do [like some of you need to find a legitimate source for your news of what is going on in the world].

I'm afraid the President is in office for a couple more years, so you may want to haul your @$$ out for the time being, or if you really feel like you are being abused, just bite your lip and take it like a man! By the way, President Bush is not a hypocrite and he is not corrupt. You are very ignorant for equating his motivation with greed and money.

The President is a strong and courageous leader, and because of this, he will receive flak from many, simply because he has a relationship with his Creator.

I see an American citizen as a person that lives in a reservation like La Puch in Washington State

My belief plain and simple no explanation required FUCK BUSH

Oh gees sometimes I think you guys bring this stuff up just to make me write a book!

People are going to think what they waht to think about Bush/Chainney.

All the words in the world won’t change that.

All I'm going to say is this......
The UN had 12 opportunities to force Sadam to comply with the inspections and he clearly did not. Not even 1 time! Sanctions were imposed and their oil was used for more than food.
The UN was escorted out 12 times from Iraq! Not 1 not 2 but 12.

Clearly the UN wasn’t able to get the job done so the US wasn’t taking any more chances with them. The air was ripe for Iraq to benefit from training terrorists. The threat {even if it was unproven} of bio-weapons in Iraq was too much to ignore. After all that’s why the UN was there. Every time they came close to them they were booted out! That was a fact. Why else would the Iraqis kick them out? They were busy hiding or destroying the evidence. Hopefully the latter.

So the decision was made to invade and remove that ass from power. That alone was good enough for me as I'm not really fond of dictators or socialism of any kind.

Now for the well thought out plan. Iraq gives us 3 fronts to Iran who is busy developing enriched uranium for a bomb. Don’t believe that shit about it’s for electric power. Show me 1 Nuke Power Generating Facility and than I would buy it. The one pictured is a "Z" shapped facility built by the Germans and it’s not for power it’s for bombs! Iraq to the west Gulf to the south and Afghanistan to the East. Look where Iran sits geographically.
Get the picture.

So while were busy trying to save the Euros and Asians asses from destruction "which sometimes I wonder why we do it" you can all sit there and criticize us. We are fine with the thought that we have the rest of the world to take care of and we accept that responsibility with pride and vigor!

You see those bombs won’t hit us first they will be blown up before they make it out of their own airspace and the fallout will be in Asia and Europe not here. If it does happen I'm sure everyone will say "why didn’t the US stop them" Maybe someday we will just forget to watch! That will be your worst day in history!

By the way I'm not a Bush fan but I do support our effort! I didn’t vote for him either even though I'm a Republican. I believe Kerry would have had us there with bells on as well. Wouldn’t have mattered who the Pres. was after 911. Remember almost our whole congress supported the invasion and still does. There are a few who turned for political reasons but most are still right there!

I can’t in my wildest dreams understand how the US was getting the idea that they are the world police simply because they have chosen to use so much money on weapons and military. It would probably have been much better if they didn’t as you do see a lot of poor ppl that have only the streets to live on because of all this waste of money... I will also say that if the UN should be attacked that we most probably would be able to defend us selves against a lot of the countries that might try to occupy.. As I see it the biggest threat in the modern time is when Asia and maybe China as candidate nr 1 gets the need for more space and other things like coal, oil, minerals and food.

Not even the US would stand a chance against them unless they just bomb half the earth to Kingdome come

Ok let's be honest,
1) Against crazy terrorists nobody can take action, I mean even a noob like my can find enough information to make a lot of problems.
2) Saddam had indeed become a big danger.
3) As we in Europe want to be one "big" Europe, in which we all seem to have our own solution for all the problems in the world, we will never become a real big Europe.

But fact is that the Muslim world is also very much divided so if these countries’s want to change it has to come from the inside. I think that this is Bush biggest problem, especially in Iraq; the opposing internal forces have NO intention of being good neighbors.
As long as this is the situation, there will be no solution for Iraq, so now the American soldiers are the main target, but as soon as they will be out, then you will see the big fight starting. And if this will start we will get real problems with the oil, course there are much more problems in the Middle East then only Iraq

I see an American citizen as a person that lives in a reservation like La Puch in Washington State
What race are you?

Ai that hurts

No (edit) that would be Native Americans you speak of.

Our forefathers came here with peaceful intentions. They came here to escape the oppression running rampant in Spain, France and England and yes even Ireland.

They worked side by side with the Indians in peace for many years to come. They even coined a holiday we still celebrate today called Thanksgiving. That is where the fall harvest is gathered and a huge feast was held with the Indians at the same table. They ate and gave thanks for their blessings.

We even had to throw out the British and French and Spanish because they were trying to control this new land. We defeated each one and got our rich heritage that says we won’t take any crap from anybody ever!

Years later when the whites started to branch out towards the West is when the trouble started. The western Indians weren’t too happy with seeing whites so they attacked and tried to keep us from making way to the west coast by land. The rest is history.

In the beginning we did try to be peaceful with the Indians. They didn’t send us away from the beginning so why years later should we have gone? In fact most of the eastern Indians were very peaceful towards whites. The Western ones were a bit different as they went a close knit crowd like the eastern ones, most likely due to the vast land space in between tribes.

So you can loose that argument in a hurry. In fact we don’t "make" them live anywhere. They are free to live where ever they want. If they choose reservation life they have certain privileges that most Americans don’t have. They pay no taxes! They are allowed to have gambling and don’t need liquor Licenses for bars or clubs. They pay no tax on Gas land or cigarettes. In fact they pay no taxes at all. They are free to participate in the Social Security System if they so choose. They get free medical on reservations as well as dental. All this was signed into treaty many years ago and it is to last forever as I understand it.

So we "are" Americans very much so. We earned everything we have. We developed Science to help mankind as well as Industry and Agriculture. We also developed weapons to make sure no one fuks with us! If they do they pay the price Period! We learned 200 some years ago to not let someone tell you how to live. So we kicked the French, Brittish and Spanish’s asses and never looked back. When they couldn’t get control of this land they went else ware in the world to do their evil.

So after all that they found themselves immersed in a World War! Who came along to put an end to it? The US. Than they fucked it all up again and had a second world war. "Think they would have learned from the first" And who put an end to it? The US again.

Iraq is no different. It is a country responsible for Fucking things up. In fact most of the Middle East is responsible for fucking things up. Just like the Russians fucked up 50 other economies and their own. China will do the same. Who will clean it up this time? Most likely the US. again.

Iran..........extremist people als need to be taken care of in my eyes, and Korea, a communist country.......what else do I need to say... get em done!

and every time the'sa world situation , yeah hate on the U.S. but when things start up "help us United States!" and of cause we do, then we get yelled at because we didn’t do it 392% ad they expected.....perfectionists,...let see them do something for once....critics too.

You know there is one little problem left:

Those who win are the good ones

Even my own country (Holland) is born out of a war of independence (in those days we were a part of Spain)

so infect you can not tell if a war is correct, only after 20 or 30 years this will be told, if you win the war.

So now I am the fisherman waiting for a bite

ps1) I don't hate the US, the only problem is that you have not the best person taking charge of your public relations in this moment

ps2) in a war you have no winners, only losers

I know you are right, just wondering what if....
but I am glad we don't have to answer that here, for I am afraid for the answer.

but getting back to irk, Saddam is gone, but there is no solution for Iraq as the opposing party's are making them selves up for a civil war. Only foreign (mostly US) forces are keeping seperat.
And there we come again back to an old point, the both think they are better then the other and because they are better, they want the power.
And they are not interested in any talking or discussion.
It's all or nothing...

WE" Americans are all from other ancestry. "WE" Americans are proud to be the melting pot of diversity.

Here's a little clue as to how "WE" really see it.

If you take a little of the good things from the many things available you can put together a great thing. In our short 200+ years as a country "WE" have accomplished many great things. "WE" believe in trying to do things that "HELP" mankind not hinder it.

In the US if you’re homeless or poor it's most likely caused by your own laziness. Most homeless here are homeless because they are drug addicts or alcoholics. Unfortunately the young that gets caught up in this not a pretty sight. But we do have a system in place to keep these people feed and housed if they so choose to do it.

Most of them however do not utilize the service available until they desperately need it. This is a sad reality in any society. As for the prosperous US Citizens "WE" have been very fortunate to be able to work smarter/ not harder and increase our standard of living.

As far as our civil war went it was a war brought on because of the issue of slavery. Which by the way was first introduced into the US by the Dutch. They were the first ones who brought slaves here from Africa and started the slave practice.

"WE" saw it as being wrong and rather than have it continue for hundreds of years "WE" decided to end it. Yes it divided a nation but in the end it made our country stronger than ever as once again good won out over evil. Freedom defeated oppression.

"WE" our ever diverse melting pot of nationality and religion found a way to co-exist with our brothers wether they are white, black, pink or purple.

But guess what. There are still those who believe that they are superior and should be in charge. That they should rule the world. The Hitlers, Stalins, Sadams, and Osamas. Well guess what. You're gonna have to go through "US" to get it. History will tell you that "We" are not to be taken lightly, and when "WE" are committed to a task we see it through!

You still don’t get it you all are a shower of murders your ancestors invade America.
And kill the Native American and what was left you shove them into a little corner of America call it a reservation and if they don’t agree kill more. Just like Australia the people of Australia are Aborigines.
You can’t call your self American unless your parents or grandparents are Native American; just like the Irish that went over in the time of the great famine the Killed millions of Irish they are called Irish American they are still called Irish because of their blood and American because of the land.
I would suggest that you look more in-depth to history of America and don’t mind about celebrating thanks giving day witch I think is an insult to the Native American. Talking about rubbing salt into the wounds

Racism is a problem with roots reaching as far back as biblical times, and it is questionable as to whether or not racial discrimination will ever vanish. Many different groups of people have been subject to racism over time. Two historical examples of people who were discriminated against because of their nationality are Native Americans and Irish-American immigrants. Although the situations they faced are not quite identical, they have an abundance of similarities. The Native Americans and the Irish citizens who immigrated to the United States suffered a similar plight in the sense that both peoples were persecuted for their cultural differences as well as exiled from their own homelands.

Before all others, varying tribes of Native Americans inhabited North America. The eleventh-century Norse seaman Leif Eriksson glimpsed very small portions of the continent, yet his discoveries never became public knowledge. It was not until Christopher Columbus’s “discovery” of North America

My limited understanding of nature is if you were born there, you are from there. My limited understanding of US and International law is if you are a citizen then you are from there. My limited understanding of common sense is if I was born there, live there, and I am a citizen of one of the countries there, I am one.

I am living now; not over 53 years ago.

Correct. As I said they came in peace. They co-existed for many years in peace with Native Americans. The problem arose when our populations rose and our people migrated to the west. One of the many problems plaguing the Native Americans is that they didn’t have a very high birth survival rate. They didn’t use our knowledge in medicine to help themselves. As a result we start to overpopulate their lands. So we migrated to the west.

By the way we didn’t force them to live on reservations. We didn’t go and kill them. To my knowledge there was never an American assault on the Natives. They attacked us and were beginning to get wiped out. They had arrows we had guns. We built forts along they way for protection and they tried too attack those forts. They usually lost. It wasn’t very pretty. Perhaps they should have been a bit more receptive to their guests. Know-one like a moody neighbor!

On yet another note now where on this earth is there a nation that is still the all original peoples. No-where! Life as far as geology tells us started somewhere in the land between the Tigre and Ephrates rivers. From there people moved and migrated. Yes even the Irish weren’t Irish all the time. Life didn’t start in Ireland as far as we know it. It was people who migrated from else ware onto the British Isles from the Norwegian Regions. From the eastern nations up to the artic circle. Want proof all these continents can be reached by land or short trips by boat. All except Anartica which has no known human inhabitants ever! Unreachable by man until the ship was invented! So take that original crap and stuff it as it don’t mean crap.

Know one has right to any land unless you inhabit it and control it period. We inhabit the uS and we control it. Others are free to try and take it. Go ahead I dare you.

By the way Native Americans are free to live wherever they choose. Their ancestors made hugh errors and they paid the price for it. Just because you cant beat the other team dosnt mean you cant get along with them.

Its surly a sign that you need to step up your game. History has told us the we were on our game.

I think we still are. Trust me when I tell you we have no desire to relocate to Iraq. We will not inhabit their country. We will visit and help free those people and teach them a better way.If they choose to not let us help them than than we will leave.

So far they are choosing our help. A few are against it but the majority have supported it. In fact they were quite astounded that they even got to vote. "VOTE" yep thats what the insurgetnts tried to stop. Guess what. They failed and the vote went on. The media was spinning that to no end. They were saying that there would never be an election.

Guess what?

Wrong again!

By the by (edit) according to history as we in the real world know it the earliest Irish Settlers were from Scottland. So you better start wearin a kilt as I do believe you must be Scottish!

The earliest evidence of human occupation after the retreat of the ice has been dated to between 8000 and 7000 BC. Settlements of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers have been found at about half a dozen sites scattered throughout the country: Mount Sandel in County Derry; Woodpark in County Sligo; the Shannon estuary; Lough Boora in County Offaly; the Curran in County Antrim; and a number of locations in Munster. It is thought that these settlers first colonised the northeast of the country from Scotland.

All this started with a post on Questions Helen Thomas put to Bush, and looking at some of the questions you guys have added if any of them were put to Bush his head would burst.
M greatest fear is the U.S Mel arty planes land in Ireland for refuelling on the way to war and on the way home. The problem lies Ireland is a neutral country its not meant to get involved. Bush has assured the there is no weapons on board the planes that’s a load of bollox. On their way back they carry prisoners it is not allowed Bush assured us that there is no prisoners on board load of Bollox.
We are not allowed near the planes to check I wonder why?
Where they land is wide open for attack the security around the airport is a load of carp.
It is also near the Atlantic Ocean so when they take off they easy pray for surface to air missiles for a fishing boat.I would hate to see al load of innocent solders get killed on Irish soil on their way to murder innocent women and kids. This link (Edit) it to a photo to how open they are for an assault it is only a matter of time before it happens.
Obviously your Govt. has a far different viewpoint than you. Exactly how do you know what is in those planes? You yourself said you cant get near them. You make wild speculation about their cargo yet you offer no proof! Those for your information are C-130 cargo planes. Used for transporting food, light vehicles, and other supplies. "Not bombs or even people"

I'll be more than happy to show you a pic of a C-130 gunship. Shes a scary beast and if you see one in Shannon bend over and kiss your arse goodbye because she'll cut you to pieces within 5 secs from a mile away!
Why must you "lie" about things. This I didnt expect from you. I know you have your resolve and your point of view but "lieing" isnt going to help one bit.

Just say you have doubts of the cargo but dont lie.

"On their way back they carry prisoners it is not allowed Bush assured us that there is no prisoners on board load of Bollox."

"I would hate to see al load of innocent solders get killed on Irish soil on their way to murder innocent women and kids."

Show me proof that we are killing innocent children! Dont give me some half baked article from some Paper in Argentina either. Dont even try the Mosque thing because its well known that the raid took place in a building next to a mosque and know-one was tied up and executed. They killed "well-known" insurgents who just so happened to be Sheits!

Please stay away from colateral dammage as well.

You can paint as bleak of a bullshit picture you want but for every biased article you throw up I'll find ten to the contrary. Like I said before: Give me some evidence at least from someone who was or is there. I have a direct internet connection to my nephew in Basra and you bullshit isnt washing! I speak with him daily and I find it hard to believe he would do any of that crap. So when you attack our boys you attack my nephew and that means you attack me and what I believe in.

IT was this point when tread was locked and put out of sight.

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