Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Syphilis is the best disease people may catch after having unsafe sex

Every person of either sex had to consider seeking professional medical help of a venerelogist at least once. No doubt about it, love is a beautiful feeling. But you just cannot write off sexually transmitted deceases (STD).

The story is not new. Two people meet, have a few drinks, and go to bed. They wake up the next morning and go separate ways. After awhile, they meet again. In a hospital where outpatients diagnosed with skin and sexually transmitted diseases receive treatment. And nobody seems to know who infected who.

According to recent scientific findings, the brain of a person prone to taking unsubstantiated risks has a decreased electrical activity in some of its sections responsible for motivation and decision-making. To put it bluntly, the findings indicate some mental problems of those who practice unsafe sex (no condoms or suppositories).

Read more on this story


Unknown said...

While I definitely don't consider my own approach to STDs to work for some (or even most) people, a little part of me is glad that I don't have to worry about these kinds of stories. I went the abstinence route. Yes, it helped that I'm a computer geek and thus didn't have alot of opportunities in that arena. Still, a little part of me figures unsafe sex with my wife is just my little reward for waiting. If you aren't going to narrow your focus to one partner, though, you should DEFINITELY be practicing some kind of safe sex. And no, "pulling out" is not it.

No BS said...

I always wear a condom over my suppository...

Deb said...

Very important issue you touched upon. Not every person you meet who "looks clean"...is.

Mike said...

Thats what you get for having multiple partners. Couldn't stand knowing my girlfriend was with anyone else. If you abstain you can guarantee that you won't have the problem of STD's. My girlfriend and We are waiting till we're married even though we're both 28. Risking getting an STD isn't worth it. I'm not playing any game of chance with anyone. Condoms aren't 110% guaranteed to protect you or your self respect of you and your partner.

I don't care if there was no such thing as STD's. I value my girlfriend too much. Any girl who goes around sleeping with guy after guy isn't really a woman but it makes them cheap. Any guy who goes around scoring with girls isn't really a man. Being a real man means having the guts to be with only one woman!!

Its all about Character. If you haven't got character, you ain't got nothing