Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Do you believe in ghosts?

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Do you believe in ghosts well I know I do well at least I think I do.
My first encounter with a ghost was when I was about five years old. Some thing or someone woke me so I got out of bed and made my way down stairs. When going down our stairs on the left there are two windows and a long windowsill to walk on too change the curtains or drapes depending where you’re from.

I was about eye level to the window sill when I saw the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It was a saluted of a person made out of colours something like a rainbow, only much finer.

When I got down stairs I told my Dad I saw an angel one of my uncles was there at the time. It was late in the night don’t know how late but late enough for me. My dad asked me where I had seen it and my uncle said it might have been lightning but I knew it wasn’t it didn’t look like it and it stayed their till I got to my dad.

Over the years I would get weird feeling around me cold and hot and strange smells.
At times when I would get the feeling that someone or something was around. I would know something was going to happen.
Like the time I was in Dublin City waiting on a bus I gave a guy next to me a cigarette as I was lighting it I said to him I had a feeling that a bomb was going to blow up across the street.
Just then I saw sparks from under a car and it blew up killing two men.
I had lots encounters with my Mum and one of my Uncles.

But the strangest one has to come yet about tree years after the bombing in Dublin I went to work in the Isle of Man.
It was in the old hotel I came across a ghost which after some time gave me the idea to play a prank that’s the story in one of my other posts.
My room in the hotel was at the end of a long corridor five rooms on either side and one at the far end.
Next to my door was the fire exit that lead to a stair well but just on the other side of that door was a room to the right.
The stir well wasn’t the nicest of pleases to be it was dark and grey and had a creepy feel about it.
My room was small with a single bed to the left as you walked in with the head board too the wall with the door.
Straight in front was the window and a wardrobe to the right and wash hand basin to the left.
One night I woke to see a boy standing at the side of my bed looking at me, I shouted at him asking what the hell was he doing in my room. He turned and walked out; I got out of bed and went after him when I was about half way down the corridor I noticed I had nothing on me. I look down the corridor and the boy was gone.
About a week after that I woke to see the boy at the end of my bed he picked up a chair that was at the end of my bed with my jeans on it. I taught he was going to hit me with the chair so I covered my head with the blankets to cushion the blow.
I waited for a second and nothing happened so I went looking for him, I went into the room at the other side of the fire exit.
When I went into the room I could see a fire and a boy trying to get out the window.
I went to get help just as I turned the room went into darkness. There was no fire and no boy.
So I latched on to this and used it to frighten the girls I would tell them that the hotel was haunted by a little boy.
We were talking about the boy when two old women came along they were chamber maids, I would smile when I would see the them they were so old and still working and it was a struggle for them to walk let alone work.
I said to the women that I was telling the girls that the hotel was haunted, guess what they told the very same story that I had just been telling the girls, now the hairs stud up on my arms.
The story went on that the boy was trying to break the window with the chair when he was over come by smoke and died.
The reason why im telling this story is because I was telling my son and he didn’t believe it.
So I went on to the net to see if I could find out anything about the boy. But was no good on info on the hotel only this I found a picture of the hotel that I worked in on fire, it happened some time after I left the Isle of Man. but the strange thing is the back of the hotel caught fire started by a fire in a garage joined to the hotel. I put an arrow the where my room was.

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