Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A private in the US forces gets Honourable Discharge for RAPE.

A US soldier was charged with rape and murder while on duty in Iraq.

This is the latest in a series of killings of civilians by US forces in Iraq.

US Army Private Steven Green, 21, was charged in a court in Charlotte, North Carolina, with the rape and murder of an Iraqi woman, and the murder of three members of her family, including a five-year-old girl.

The incident occurred in a town of, south of Baghdad, in March.

Prosecutors say it also involved three other soldiers, who have not been named or charged yet.

Steven Green was given honourable discharge from the army due to what court referred to as 'a personality disorder'.

He is being charged as a civilian and could face the death penalty if convicted.


Anonymous said...

The story is sad. The soldier is the exception. If guilty, he will suffer for the crimes he's committed.

Your title is un-fucking-forgiveable.

Pardon my outburst, but that's what you've wrought.

Kate said...

Yeah, I have to disagree with your title as well. He was discharged before his crimes came to light, so your title is misleading to say the least. I understand that people in other countries are angry with the U.S. right now, and I don't support the war in Iraq, but lying doesn't help your cause.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think the heading is misleading, if anything I think it dose the job.
Steven Green and his friends went to the shrink and it came to light then so they were given a discharge on the grounds that they were of incapable of carrying out their army duties.
By giving them a discharge and entering it into the books that they got a discharge on the grounds of insanity, means that they stand a chance of getting off with the crime.
The worst that can happen to him is he can be found guilty but insane. He will get a prison term from 10 to 20 years.
See there is madness in his method.

Kate said...

You obviously have no idea how the U.S. criminal justice system works. First of all, your speculation that his crimes came to light while visiting the shrink are just that, speculation with no proof or fact whatsoever. Secondly, he didn't get discharged from the military based on a mental defect or insanity. That's called a section 8 discharge and it's something else entirely. Mr. Green got honorably discharged. So that won't help him in his criminal case. And lastly, while possible, very few people in the U.S. criminal justice system get off based on an insanity defense. Even people who were clearly insane go to prison for life or get the death penalty for their crimes. And as it happens, he's being tried in North Carolina which is a death penalty state. Also, in the U.S. there isn't really a provision for "guilty, but insane". You're either not guilty by reason of mental defect or guilty. There's no in between.

Anonymous said...

As far as I know the crimes were committed in Iraq, they are classed as war crimes?
Why are they been tried in there homeland, they should be tried in The Hague where all war crimes are tried. Or an extradition warrant should me handed in by the Iraqi police and tried in Iraq, if their defiance team is any good ty can get them off on those grounds.
The justice system in the US stinks all you have to do is look over the last year that Bush was governor on his run up to be the president of America ( which he is doing a crap job at) all the people he had executed just to get votes.
