Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Dublin City Bombings1972

I have posted this story before in another blog,
the reason I am posting it here is in hope that someone
that knows one of the people in my story could pass it that
I am looking for them.
Up date: since I last up dated this story I have stayed in touch
with Justice for the forgotten and may I ad they are a great team
very good at what they do. Also have been to the inquest met
with other survivors and members of family’s victims.
I was able to put some light on 2 of the people that are in this story
I know now that they are alive and well.
And I am renewing my request; I am looking for the
3 people in this story.
I have been in touch with Justice for the Forgotten
Sorry to say they weren’t able to help me at the time,
for the people in question never came forward so they have no record of them.

This is my story,
On Friday the 1 December 1972, I went into Dublin town to meet my girl friend.
I was standing at the 44A bus stop at about 7.40.
I was waiting for my girlfriend’s bus to come in next to the 28 bus stop
(were bus driver George Bradshaw (29) and bus conductor Tommy Duffy (23)
lost their lives).
I was standing on the corner looking across the road at Sackvill Place when Dublin
was shook with an explosion and as a result the traffic was held up.
As I waited for the bus to come in a man started to talk with me.
We spoke about what had just happened,
and I said to him as soon as my girlfriend comes I'm going home.
I continued to tell him that I had a gut feeling that the C.I.E club
was going to blow up to which he said I was just been paranoid.
I turned to him and gave him a cigarette,
as I lit it for him a young girl walked passed me.
She was about 16 or 17 with blonde hair.
From the corner of my eye I caught sparks
fluttering (as you would see burned paper) that were coming from underneath a car.
The car was about 2 car lengths in from the corner with the road away from me.
I dived to the ground and put my hands over my head.
I felt a lot of pressure on me, squeezing every bit of me for what seemed an hour.
Then I felt the glass fall all around me followed by a loud bang. I can still hear it today.
I got to my feet and went to look for the man I gave the cigarette,
to but I wasn't able to find him.
Then I went into the café to look for the girl that walked passed me
and found the glass door with a silver bar was broken.
I went up to the counter and saw the girl on the floor badly injured.
The man from behind the counter was coming around to her as she was telling him
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to break the door."
I got a shock then turned to walk back out.
As I walked out I saw an old man with a cap on sitting with his back to the window.
The blinds were taping him on the back of his head.
I noticed that he was sitting up straight and never moved.
I went outside and saw a woman dressed in a light tan coat and a dark brown hat.
I was slipping on the glass as I bent down to help her up off the ground.
She started to scream and hit me.
I turned and saw something dark on the ground.
I think I have wiped that part from my mind but whatever it was
I seem to get very upset when I think of that day especially when I get to this part.
I dropped the woman and ran. Lots of people were running to the scene.
They were getting in my way trying to stop me but I fought my way out.
If you heard this story from one of the people that
I was talking about or if you are one of the people reading this please let me know,
I would like to talk with you. I need to know if you are ok.
Link is to the picture of the car

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