Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Drunk man bets to cut off his penis for 2,000 USD and wins the bet

For the first time in the history of Latvian medicine, doctors sewed back on the reproductive organ of a man, which he had cut off himself.

As reported by television program Panorama on channel LTV, a man cut off his penis in an argument, informs Delfi.

Doctors in Gailezertz hospital in Riga informed journalists that there had been cases before where a partially amputated penis had had to be restored. However, this was the first time that genitals had been brought to the hospital in a packet. According to the doctors, the incident was due to stupidity on the part of the patient. Whilst drinking alcohol with friends, he had argued with them that for 1000 lat, (about 2000 dollars), he would cut off his own “manhood”. He won the bet.
Get moter on this story.


Deb said...

Oh come on! For $2,000??? You can't even get a sex change for that amount...but I guess that's the cheaper route, other than going to Thailand to get it done.

OUCH! (And I'm a girl!)

Anonymous said...

Well, I haven't checked the exchange rate, but $2,000 USD could be a lot for them.

But you couldn't pay me enough to chop off my penis.